

Our Classrooms &Learning CentersFor Resourceful Learning

All our classrooms contain an inviting and engaging learning centers and resources which the homeroom teacher intentionally uses throughout the year based on the children’s interests and areas of weakness and strength. Dramatic play center, Math manipulative center, Science center, Arts and Crafts center, Literacy center are just a few examples of what children explore at their own pace through purposeful play. Use of technology is also used in centers to enrich learning experiences through our online reading workshops, research and creative activities.

Our Library and Media Roomfor Innovative Learning

Strong literacy skills are key to academic and professional success. To support students' love for reading, Aiwin offers a library containing a great collection of books, picture books, magazines and comics. The library resources are available for students to take home and share the joy of reading with their families. Our library also serves as our Media room where students engage with technology to support their 21st century skills. Students also learn from a wide range of digital reading resources through the use of our tablets and computers. Like our books, students can also access our digital reading resources at home that helps strengthen home-school connection. Theme-related presentations are held to allow students to experience innovative learning.

Our Gym & Playgroundfor Physical Development

Physical activity extends well beyond physical health, having a positive impact on the domains of motor skills, psychological well-being, cognitive development, social competence and emotional maturity. Early Nursery & Nursery classes have direct access to their own outdoor spaces for sensory & creative play. All students have ample rooms for physical activities both indoor at the gym or outdoors on the playground where they do their daily morning exercises, PE classes, outdoor games, gardening and even pool time in the Summer.

Our Assembly RoomFor Hands-on Learning

Our assembly room offers a comfortable space for children to gather during special activities like assembly day, cooking class & extracurricular clubs. Equipped with a fully functional kitchen, our learners are able to explore and discover food and nutrition during cooking class. During lunch time, our students share meal time with their friends, learn the value of food and practice important social manners. During daycare and extracurricular club times, it becomes a space for collaborative work and sensory play where students learn social interaction skills and grow their personal strengths & interests.

Our Nap room & SECOMfor Safety &Comfortable learning

Children's safety and comfort come first at Aiwin. All of our classrooms as well as entrance, playground and parking are equipped with security cameras and connected to an internal monitoring television constantly observed by our staff. All rooms have emergency buttons that connect to a security team during emergency situations. For comfortable napping, a spacious traditional Japanese-style room carpeted with waterproof Tatami are kept clean and neat for students to rest and re-energize within the day.

Senriyama Campus

  • Address

    15-1, Kitanatsugicho, Nishinomiya-shi,Hyogo Ken,662-0025

  • By train

    Hankyu koyo Line, about 8 minutes on foot from Kurakuenguchi Station

  • TEL


  • FAX
