
🌟 Kindy Class Library Trip 🌟

🌟 Kindy Class Library Trip 🌟


🌟 Kindy Class Library Trip 🌟
As part of our inquiry-based learning, our Kindy class took an exciting trip to the city library to explore our central idea: “Throughout the world and history, people have created stories for a variety of reasons.” 📚🌍

In the final stage of our inquiry cycle, students discovered that stories serve many purposes. In their wonderings, they expressed that fables, myths, and legends often come from people’s emotions. As they dug deeper, they also learned that stories can be a way for people to earn a living.

At the library, students explored a range of books about legends and myths, both in English and their native language. This sparked their imaginations and inspired them to start creating their very own stories as a class! ✨📝

Through this inquiry-based approach, students are becoming reflective communicators, using essential communication, research, and thinking skills that will serve them for life. 🌱💡

Stay tuned to see what our little storytellers come up with! 🎉

#inquirybasedlearning #libraryadventures #storytellersinthemaking #myths #legends #fables #storiesaroundtheworld #kindy #aiwininternationalschool #internationallyminded #earlyyearslearning #skillsforlife #reflective #communicators #ibpypcandidateschool

