大阪のインターナショナルスクールの支援 | Special Subjects Program


Special Subjects Program

Special Programs in Aiwin offers a good mix of learning opportunities that allow students to come together to discover and develop innovation, creativity and individual talents and passions. Aiwin upholds a Growth Mindset where we believe that skills and talents can be learned and students can grow from many opportunities.

Online Reading


As a learning extension of our Phonological Awareness Program, students from Preschool, Junior Kindy and Kindy classes access our online reading program three times a week. It is the goal of the program to teach students strategies for reading and comprehension. It helps to foster a love of reading and gives students chances to practice reading strategies independently at their own level and pace, with the guidance of their teachers. Students spend an extended amount of time reading authentic texts that interest them on a daily basis both at school and at home online and has opportunities to talk about literature. Parents are encouraged to check their child's progress through their own parent account. Ulitimately, students are inspired to become life-long passionate readers.



Once a week, students immerse in music class with our Music Specialist teacher to build their acoustic awareness, understand rhythm, learn seasonal songs and appreciate the aesthetics of music. It aims to support language and motor development for higher level thinking skills. From June, students begin to learn to play musical instruments like castanets and pianica. During our December Winter Concert, students are given the opportunity to highlight their musical progress confidently.



Physical Education in Aiwin follows Circuit training that allows all students to work on their physical skills and achieve success at their own levels. A circular arrangement of skill stations loops around the room which becomes the location for a specific, age-appropriate skill targets. Students can practice basic physical skills like balancing, jumping, and climbing. It is the program's goal to ensure that all students acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to lead healthy active lives and build a strong physical foundation in learning. In our annual Sports Day, students show their physical growth and development through skill routines and obstacle course.



Students learn best through hands-on exploration of their environment. Through our cooking class, students develop positive relationship with food and grow responsible and healthy eating habits. It also serves as an extension of theme-related activities where students curiosity, thinking and problem solving are put to practice. Students explore basic characteristics and nutritional value of food, their value to our daily lives and how it reflects our traditions and culture. Our students are also encouraged to grow a garden of seasonal vegetables where they can learn where our food come from and develop a sense of responsibility in taking care of our natural resources. The best part is always the harvesting part where students get to try their own school-grown vegetables.

Ishiisiki Japanese


It is is critical that our students learn their mother tongue from infancy as a strong foundation of language development and to build their own cultural pride and identity. We use a special Kanji program to help the children to acquire the reading and comprehension skills in Japanese. Students are also provided with the opportunity to explore Japanese learning centers that focus on the unique characteristics of Japanese language, customs and culture.

Extra Curricular


At Aiwin, we offer exciting choices of clubs that students enrolled in Long Course can participate in after their afternoon rest periods. Club activities not only covers different areas of development but also a chance for our teachers to share their interests and hobbies, to inspire our learners in developing their own potentials and skills. Club activities may be changed every semester. See below for examples of some of the EC clubs student work on.

・Yoga Club

Develop mindfulness, learn relaxation and improve concentration

・Aerobic Club

Promotes physical strength, strengthens heart and lungs, boosts positive mindset

・Nature Explorer's Club & Gardening Club

Encourages appreciation of nature and growing responsibility to care for it

・Ball Game Club

Develops balance coordination, physical strength, camaraderie by learning basic ball skills used in different sports like kicking, dribbling, shooting, giving and receiving passes, ball control and etc.

・Music & Dance Club

PInspiring budding talents and building self-confidence

・Little Artist Club

Supporting creativity and expression through drawing, painting, and stitching

・Little Builder's Club

Fostering design and innovation

・Board Game Club

Making use of strategy, learning to take calculated-risk and cooperation by playing card and board games by pair of in bigger groups.

・ICT Club

Promoting 21st century skills through use of digital tools

・Japanese Club

Valuing Japanese culture through traditional games, songs, stories, art, calligraphy

